5 Habits That Are Essential to Your Future Success

Ruth posits that our "future success is tied directly to the quality of [our] relationships with others."

Date of speech


I am honored to be asked to speak to you today. You have worked so hard to achieve so much.

Some of you have overcome obstacles that I can’t begin to comprehend.

The sacrifice, determination, and persistence required to finish the course will continue to serve you well in the years to come.  But as hard as you have worked to get here, the key to your future success is tied directly to the quality of your relationships with others. Every success you have achieved, or will achieve in the future is tied to a relationship.

For example, who are the people who helped you get here today? Parent, relative, friend, teacher, mentor, or employer

If relationships are so important to where you are today, then what do you need to do so that people will want help you get to where you aspire to be 5, 10, 15 years from now?

What will make you the kind of person that people believe in?

There are five habits that you can develop that will enable you build the kinds of relationships that are essential to your future success, however you may define success. Four of them have been identified by a very successful entrepreneur named Dan Sullivan, creator of an international program called the Strategic Coach.

Dan has tested these with successful people all over the world and has found that they apply in any culture and any circumstance. So listen carefully;

  1. Show up on time.
  2. Do what you say you are going to do.
  3. Finish what you start.
  4. Say please and thank you.

These seem like common sense, don’t they? What makes these four habits so special?

Each of these habits is based on showing respect and appreciation for other people. Every person you meet is the center of his or her own universe.  When you show by your behavior that you recognize the importance of the other person’s schedule, concerns, values and goals, you immediately gain respect and become valuable to that individual. Since you are looking after them, they know that you respect them and will treat them fairly. They will want to do business with you. They will want to see promoted and given responsibility. They will talk about you to others.

(Example with Parks and bond appointment)

But I said there were 5 habits. The fifth one comes from my personal experience as well as the teachings of my Christian faith. You will find it in many others traditions as well. The fifth habit is to practice generosity. Proverbs 11:25 says “A generous person will prosper, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”

Be generous with your time, with your talents or abilities, and with your treasure. I promise it will reward you in ways you could never imagine.

Close with a story; Jernell Sterling…she made others feel valued.

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